November 9, 2010


YELLOW CARD If you are caught in a game of chicken on the sidewalk, just stay to the right. This allows the sidewalks to flow as freely as a two-lane highway. That’s right, walking is just like driving. When you walk down a busy sidewalk, you should follow the same rules you do when you drive. So stay to the right, yield when you are turning left in front of oncoming traffic, look before you exit a store as you enter an “intersection” into oncoming traffic, etc. Although, I guess this advice doesn’t help if you are an idiot on the road. Maybe bad drivers are the idiots I can’t stand on the sidewalk. Or maybe sidewalk idiots are on the sidewalk because they don’t know how to drive and therefore don’t understand the rules of the road. Either way, whether walking or driving, people need to review the traffic rules. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more! I make these kinds of comments to myself on a daily basis. I also think it'd be great if we had directional signals and hazards for when people make abrupt turns and stops.