YELLOW CARD I can't decide how I feel about geo-tagging technology like Four Square. Well, that is a lie, I hate it but I have to say I like it because as a marketer it's a great way to find and target potential customers. But it's creepy right? I mean, how could it possibly be a good idea to let strangers know where you are? I know you have to "friend" someone before they can see your status, but how can you know if the guy you "friended" who you know from high school, hasn't grown up to be a psycho stalker? Most of us don't really know the people we "friend" on our social media sites. So I guess its up to each of us to be careful when using social media sites. The dangers of geo-tagging will likely be a hot-topic for a long time. I can just see the Law and Order SVU episode now, Benson or Stabler making a smart remark, "This poor girl just wanted to use social media to meet friends, but instead met her end." DUN DUN
THIS. YES. Ok mostly I was excited about the title. For now I'm going to stick with foursquare and being totally stalkable, but people need to be wary about sending everything to Facebook or Twitter. There is also an "off the grid" option that should not be forgotten!
Beth, I was crushed that you didn't accept my foursquare request. :)
HA! Foursquare is frightening. I admit, I was tempted to try it as a quick way to learn my way around Boston, but I resisted.
All the Boston singles dating in Boston should read your blog (http://jacquinnwilliams.com/) instead of using this creepy software!
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