RED CARD You have just boarded a subway train – do you move all the way in or stay where you are and simply move to the side? Well, if chose option two, you are an idiot. Every passenger must enter at the front door, therefore by intelligent deductive reasoning, passengers who are already boarded should move as far to the back as they can to accommodate the boarding passengers. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to fight my way though a crowd of idiots as I board the Boston Green Line or a Chicago bus. I just cannot understand why people stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the front when there are empty areas in the back? And what really astonishes me, is that these idiots in the front have the audacity to give me dirty looks for wanting to get by them to reach the open space in the back. Man, people are stupid. It would be so much easier if idiots would just board and then proceed to the farthest possible area of the train. Is that so hard??
It would also be easier if the idiots just took their place on the tracks in front of the train. They can even stand shoulder to shoulder if they want!
I AM WITH YOU THERE, BETH!! I cannot STAND that. I always go to the back - I'm out of the way, and I usually get a seat! Meanwhile, all the other jamokes hang out in the front, or all clumped up by the back door, which I also wonder about. Move your asses, people, and don't look surprised - I'm getting off this bus and you're all in front of the goddamn door!!
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