YELLOW CARD Why do people and especially bands feel the need to write entire essays in their posts? When I look at Facebook on my iPhone, I like to be able to scroll through my friends' posts and see what's going on in the world, but when you scroll over a post such as this one, it is so long it takes up the entire screen. I'm sorry, but if your post takes up an entire screen, do you really think someone is going to read the whole thing? I totally support local music and fun cover bands, but come on. I can tell you right now, when I am continually "spammed" by these ridiculously long posts, I'm tempted to just delete them as a friend entirely. I understand that you want to get the word out about your next show and you want to set yourself apart from all the other bands, but honestly, there has to be a better way. It's a post, it's supposed to be "What's on your mind?" Didn't bands learn their lesson with MySpace? People don't want clutter on their social websites, keep it simple.
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