YELLOW CARD Public transportation, in all its forms is frankly just a horrible experience. It’s a necessary evil though because we need to get from here to there for professional and personal reasons. My love of seeing new places and the fact that my close friends and family are spread around the country are the only reasons I would ever subject myself to being corralled like a sheep to a cramped, dirty seat, surrounded by the huddled masses. Companies are installing new features to help us cope with this disgusting experience, but of course like every other innovation it causes just as many problems as it does solutions. I recently took the BOLT BUS from Boston to NYC. I was very excited that they had WI-FI on the bus, power outlets, extra leg room, and boarding similar to Southwest. Well, by the end of trip I felt like on was on a 4 hour ride in purgatory. BOLT BUS failed to mention that power outlets are only available on a select few seats; that the WI-FI was practically useless, since it took my iPad 10 minutes to load a single page; and the “extra” leg room only provided a comfortable amount of legroom if you are below average height. I feel naive for having such high hopes for the bus service to prior my experience. Honestly it’s better for companies not to provide all these upgrades if they can’t ensure the features will work. As I usually do when I’m forced to take public transportation, I just ended up using the time to take a nap.
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