RED CARD It is called an IPASS (EZPASS on the east coast) for a reason; the IPASS enables you to "PASS" through the toll booth. DO NOT make a complete stop in the IPASS lane. If you do, you are not only proving to the world how stupid you are but you are putting the rest of us in serious danger. Digital toll booth sensors allow a nice traffic flow through designated IPASS lanes. If you are insistent at coming to a complete stop, please for goodness sake, go to the cash lanes. And if you are one of the archaic, big-brother fearing weirdoes who still use cash, please have your coins ready. So to reiterate, if you stop in an IPASS (pass being the keyword) I, and every other competent IPASS user, should have the right to run into you and banish you from the IPASS lane all together. Technologic advances are meant to increase the efficiency of society, but unfortunately since there are so many morons on this planet, sometimes technologic advances only create more ways for the morons to annoy me.
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